
The Localization of Music during the Late Stages of Buddhism’s Spread around the World: A Comparison of the Japanese and Dai Buddhist Music

Yang Minkang
Associate Professor, Central Conservatory of Music
This article begins with a discussion of several common elements and similar phenomena found in the history of music in the Buddhism of the Dai people of China and in Japanese Buddhism during the late stages of the spread of Buddhism around the world. Then, using these clues, the relevant documentary materials available in Chinese are used to further describe the early localization of music in Japan. Finally, based on a comparison of field surveys and relevant documentary data, a comparative analysis of these two schools of Buddhist music is made, taking into account their status and respective conditions within the opposed courses of globalization and localization, and in relation to being either a transmitter or receiver of musical ideas.
Yang Minkang,Studies on Humanistic Buddhism III: Glocalization of Buddhism(Kaohsiung:Fo Guang Cultural Enterprise Co. Ltd,2020)195-214.

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