對治百法(三)  / duì zhì bǎi fǎ (sān) /
100 Remedies for Life (3) 
FGS Terminology 
用幽默對治呆板 用樂觀對治消極 用喜悅對治瞋怒 用善良對治惡念 用同樂對治獨佔 用溫柔對治粗暴 用熱忱對治冷漠 用微笑對治愁容 用鼓勵對治責備 用讚美對治毀謗 用啟發對治教訓 用善語對治惡口 用愛護對治傷害 用祝福對治詛咒 用無言對治抗議 用仁德對治殘暴 用公平對治不義 用同情對治不仁 用忠誠對治奸邪 用感恩對治無情
Remedy dullness with humor.
Remedy passiveness with optimism.
Remedy anger with joy.
Remedy ill will with goodwill.
Remedy possessiveness with willingness to share.
Remedy crudity with tenderness.
Remedy indifference with passion.
Remedy melancholy with a smile.
Remedy reprimand with encouragement.
Remedy slander with praise.
Remedy reproach with inspiration.
Remedy offensive language with loving words.
Remedy bullying with care and protection.
Remedy profanity with blessings.
Remedy protest with silence.
Remedy violence with benevolence.
Remedy unrighteousness with justice.
Remedy ruthlessness with sympathy.
Remedy treachery with loyalty.
Remedy heartlessness with gratitude.
星雲大師全集【書法類】佛光菜根譚 The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun: Calligraphy-Roots of Wisdom 
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