想的種種 / xiǎng de zhǒng zhǒng /
Ways of Thinking
One Stroke Calligraphy 一筆字

1. 粗心大意不堪設想    cū xīn dà yì bù kān shè xiǎng
2. 生氣怨懟苦思惡想    shēng qì yuàn duì kǔ sī è xiǎng
3. 愛慕虛榮貪心妄想    ài mù xū róng tān xīn wàng xiǎng
4. 兩人相愛朝思暮想    liǎng rén xiāng ài zhāo sī mù xiǎng
5. 不勞而獲出於空想    bù láo ér huò chū yú kōng xiǎng
6. 煩惱困苦胡思亂想    fán nǎo kùn kǔ hú sī luàn xiǎng
7. 希望難成只有呆想    xī wàng nán chéng zhǐ yǒu dāi xiǎng
8. 白日升天出於夢想    bái rì shēng tiān chū yú mèng xiǎng
9. 開車上路心無二想    kāi chē shàng lù xīn wú èr xiǎng
10. 包容異己開明思想    bāo róng yì jǐ kāi míng sī xiǎng
11. 發展創新突發奇想    fā zhǎn chuàng xīn tú fā qí xiǎng
12. 談判協商左思右想    tán pàn xié shāng zuǒ sī yòu xiǎng
13. 彼此吵架退一步想    bǐ cǐ chǎo jià tuì yī bù xiǎng
14. 改正過錯沉靜默想    gǎi zhèng guò cuò chén jìng mò xiǎng
15. 勤奮用功行思坐想    qín fèn yòng gōng xíng sī zuò xiǎng
16. 準備計劃千慮萬想    zhǔn bèi jì huà qiān lǜ wàn xiǎng
17. 隨時結緣不起貪想    suí shí jié yuán bù qǐ tān xiǎng
18. 入道修行淨心冥想    rù dào xiū xíng jìng xīn míng xiǎng
19. 禪淨共修一心觀想    chán jìng gòng xiū yī xīn guān xiǎng
20. 真如佛性有道無想    zhēn rú fó xìng yǒu dào wú xiǎng

1. Negligence will cause unimaginable outcomes.
2. Anger and resentment are mere bad intentions.
3. Vanity is mere greed and fantasy.
4. Being in love is mere day and night yearnings.
5. Wanting to reap without sowing is a mere pipe dream.
6. Affliction and trouble are mere wild fancies.
7. Unfulfilled hope is a mere daydream.
8. To reach the sky in a single bound is a mere dream.
9. Driving safely requires undivided attention.
10. Tolerance for those who are different requires an open mind.
11. Progress and innovation require sudden inspiration.
12. Negotiation requires careful deliberation.
13. Reconciliation of a quarrel requires thoughts of compromise.
14. Correction of one's faults requires silent contemplation.
15. Diligent study requires quiet reflection.
16. A well-thought plan requires careful consideration.
17. To readily develop affinities requires non-attachment.
18. Spiritual cultivation requires mind-purifying meditation.
19. Chan and Pure Land practice need devoted reflection.
20. True Buddha nature knows the Way and thinks no thoughts.

《HB Glossary 中英人間佛教詞彙》, 2022
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