十大弟子  / shí dà dì zǐ  /
Ten Great Disciples of the Buddha 
Terminology 名相
1.   舍利弗 shè lì fú
2.   目犍連 mù jiàn lián
3.   富樓那 fù lóu nà
4.   須菩提 xū pú tí
5.   迦旃延 jiā zhān yán
6.   大迦葉 dà jiā shè
7.   阿那律 ā nà lǜ
8.   優婆離 yōu pó lí
9.   阿難陀 ā nán tuó
10. 羅睺羅 luó hóu luó
Sariputra: Foremost in wisdom
Maudgalyayana: Foremost in Supernatural Powers
Purna: Foremost in Teaching the Dharma
Subhuti: Foremost in Understanding Emptiness
Mahakatyayana: Foremost in Debating the Dharma
Mahakasyapa: Foremost in Austerities
Aniruddha: Foremost in Heavenly Vision
Upali: Foremost in Monastic Discipline
Ananda: Foremost in Having Heard Much
Rahula: Foremost in Esoteric Practices
《HB Glossary 中英人間佛教詞彙》, 2018 
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