七佛傳法偈 ─ 毘舍浮佛偈  / qī fú chuán fǎ jì ─ pí shě fú fó jì /
Gathas on the Transmission of Teachings of the Seven Buddhas - Verse of Visvabhu Buddha 
Quote Excerpt 


七佛傳法偈 ─ 毘舍浮佛偈
宋 釋子昇 錄(生卒年不詳)



December 24

Gathas on the Transmission of Teachings of the Seven Buddhas - Verse of Visvabhu Buddha
Recorded by Shi Zisheng (Years unknown, Song Dynasty)
English translation: You Zai

Provisionally perceiving
    the four great elements as the body;
The mind, originally unborn,
    exists only due to cognitive objects.
Without the objects of cognition,
    neither does the mind exist.
Both condemnation and blessings
    are like illusions that arise and annihilate.

── from Chanmen Zhu Zhushi Jisong (Verses of the Chan Patriarchs)

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