七佛傳法偈 ─ 拘留孫佛偈  / qī fú chuán fǎ jì ─ jū liú sūn fó jì /
Gathas on the Transmission of Teachings of the Seven Buddhas - Verse of Krakucchanda Buddha 
Quote Excerpt 


七佛傳法偈 ─ 拘留孫佛偈
宋 釋子昇 錄(生卒年不詳)



December 24

Gathas on the Transmission of Teachings of the Seven Buddhas - Verse of Krakucchanda Buddha
Recorded by Shi Zisheng (Years unknown, Song Dynasty)
English translation: You Zai

Seeing the insubstantial body as the Buddha's body;
Realizing that the illusory mind is the Buddha's mind.
Realizing that the nature of body and mind are inherently empty;
Where is the distinction between oneself and Buddha?

── from Chanmen Zhu Zhushi Jisong (Verses of the Chan Patriarchs)

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