人有二十難  / rén yǒu èr shí nán /
Twenty Difficulties in Life 
Quote Excerpt 


東漢 迦葉摩騰 ( ?~73 )、竺法蘭 ( 生卒年不詳 ) 共譯 貧窮布施難,豪貴學道難,棄命必死難, 得睹佛經難,生值佛世難,忍色離欲難, 見好不求難,被辱不瞋難,有勢不臨難, 觸事無心難,廣學博究難,除滅我慢難, 不輕未學難,心行平等難,不說是非難, 會善知識難,見性學道難,隨化度人難, 睹境不動難,善解方便難。 ──選自《四十二章經》

October 14

Twenty Difficulties in Life
Translated into Chinese by Kasyapa Matanga ( ? - 73, Eastern Han Dynasty)
and Dharmaratna (Years unknown, Eastern Han Dynasty)
English translation: Miao Guang

1. It is difficult for the poor to practice generosity.
2. It is difficult for the rich to learn the Way.
3. It is difficult to guarantee death by giving up one’s life.
4. It is difficult to come across Buddhist sutras.
5. It is difficult to be reborn in Buddha’s time.
6. It is difficult to resist lust and abstain from desire.
7. It is difficult not to pursue what is desirable.
8. It is difficult not to be angry when insulted.
9. It is difficult not to lean on power that is accessible.
10. It is difficult to tend to matters without intentions.
11. It is difficult to be erudite and knowledgeable.
12. It is difficult to eliminate pride.
13. It is difficult not to belittle one’s juniors.
14. It is difficult to be impartial.
15. It is difficult not to gossip.
16. It is difficult to encounter a virtuous company.
17. It is difficult to see one’s true nature and learn the Way.
18. It is difficult to deliver others according to circumstances.
19. It is difficult to remain unmoved in situations.
20. It is difficult to have right understanding and be skillful.

── from Sishi Er Zhang Jing (Sutra of Forty-Two Sections)

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