佛光人的理念  / fó guāng rén de lǐ niàn  /
The Philosophy of a Fo Guang Member
Humanistic Buddhism Terminology 人間佛教名相
光榮歸於佛陀 guāng róng guī yú fó tuó
成就歸於大眾 chéng jiù guī yú dà zhòng
利益歸於常住 lì yì guī yú cháng zhù
功德歸於檀那 gōng dé guī yú tán nuó
Glory Goes to the Buddha,
Success Goes to the Community,
Benefit Goes to the Monastery,
Merit Goes to the Devotees.
《HB Glossary 中英人間佛教詞彙》, 2018 
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