十二部經  / shí èr bù jīng  /
Twelve Divisions of Sutras 
Terminology 名相
1. 長行 cháng háng
2. 重頌 chóng sòng
3. 孤起 gū qǐ
4. 譬喻 pì yù
5. 因緣 yīn yuán
6. 無問自說 wú wèn zì shuō
7. 本生 běn shēng
8. 本事 běn shì
9. 未曾有 wèi céng yǒu
10. 方廣 fāng guǎng
11. 論議 lùn yì
12. 授記 shòu jì
Sutra (discourses)
Geya (repeated verses)
Gatha (verses)
Avadana (parables)
Nidana (expositions of causes)
Udana (unprompted teachings)
Jataka (stories of the Buddha’s previous lives)
Itivrttaka (stories of the disciples’ previous lives)
Abdhutadharma (miracles)
Vaipulya (profound teachings)
Upadesa (debates)
Vyakarana (prophecies)
《HB Glossary 中英人間佛教詞彙》, 2018 
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