觀音菩薩偈  / guān yīn pú sà jì /
Praise of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 
Quote Excerpt 
觀音菩薩妙難酬,清凈莊嚴累劫修。 三十二應遍塵剎,百千萬劫化閻浮。 瓶中甘露常遍灑,手內楊柳不計秋。 千處祈求千處應,苦海常作度人舟。

Praise of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
Translation by: Miao Guang

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva of unrequited wonder,
With pure and majestic virtues cultivated life after life,
Arising in all realms in her Thirty-Two manifestions,
Quenching the flames of suffering over endless eons.

Out from her vase flows evermore the purifying nectar,
An ageless willow branch in one hand,willingly respondent,
A thousand prayers in a thousand places answered,
Unceasing is this liberating ferry in the sea of suffering.

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