浴佛偈  / yù fú jì /
Gatha for Bathing the Buddha 
Quote Excerpt 
我今灌沐諸如來,淨智莊嚴功德海。 五濁眾生離塵垢,同證如來淨法身。 戒定慧解知見香,遍十方剎常芬馥。 願此香煙亦如是,無量無邊作佛事。 亦願三塗苦輪息,悉令除熱得清涼。 皆發無上菩提心,永出愛河登彼岸。
Translation by: Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism

I now sincerely bathe all Tathagatas,
Gaining merits of pure wisdom and majesty;
May beings be free from defilements in all,
Thereby attain Tathagata's pure Dharma body.
May the scents of sila, dhyana, prajna, and right view
Constantly pervade temples of the entire world;
May the fume from this incense too,
Accomplish boundless works buddhas do.
May the Three Lower Realms' wheel of suffering halt,
Bringing coolness to the fires of burning pain;
May all generate the supreme Bodhi mind,
Forever free from the river of passion to the other shore.
星雲大師全集【書法類】詩歌偈頌 The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun: Calligraphy-Poems and Songs 
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