別院  / bié yuàn /
Branch Temple 
Buddhist Terminology 
撩愁兩岸香風起,開出芙蓉別院秋; 紅白枝頭空狼藉,又隨新雨逐溪流。
Sorrows between the shores aroused by wind,
Lotuses bloom at the autumn branch temple;
Tips of white and red, nothing but a mess,
Off they go into the river with the new rain.
星雲大師全集【書法類】中華文化佛教名詞 名相 The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun: Calligraphy-Terminology 
高雄市大樹區興田里興田路 153 號
886-7-6561921 #2501-2506