Director of FGSIHB
Director - Cheng Gongrang
Academic Experiences
- 1985: Graduated from Qingyang Middle School.
- 1987: Graduated from the Department of Chinese Language, Wuhu Teachers College (now Anhui Normal University).
- 1993: Graduated from the Department of Philosophy, Nanjing University with a Masters degree in Philosophy.
- 1996: Graduated from the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Peking University with a Ph.D degree.
- September 1996: Became a Lecturer at the College of Political Science and Law, Capital Normal University.
- July 1998: Promoted to Associate Professor.
- January 2004: Promoted to Professor.
Administrative Experiences
- Deputy Dean of the College of Political Science and Law, Capital Normal University.
- Director of the Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, Capital Normal University.
November 2010: Professor of Chinese Cultural Research Institute, Nanjing University.
2012–Present: Director of Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism.
- Professor of the College of Liberal Arts, Shanghai University.
- Director of Dao’an Buddhist Studies Center, Shanghai University.
2019–Present: Honorary Professor of Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism.
Major Academic Responsibilities
- Person-In-Charge in establishing Key Subjects for the subjects of Religious Studies at Capital Normal University in Beijing; Leader of future directions in contemporary Chinese Philosophy for the subjects of Chinese Philosophy at Capital Normal University
- Distinguished Researcher at the Study Center for Religious Ethics, Tsinghua University (2003–2007)
- Permanent Board Member, Modern Chinese Philosophy Committee of China Philosophy History Association, Beijing Region
- Adjunct director of the Chinese Association of Religious Studies
- Visiting professor at the Graduate Institute of Asian Humanities, Huafan University (2011.7–2012.7)
- Consultant at the Center for Buddhist Studies, Fo Guang University in Taiwan
- Adjunct Professor at Nunnery Buddhist College in Jiangsu Province
Research Areas
- History of Indian Philosophy and history of Buddhist Philosophy
- Specialized in the study of Buddhist texts in Sanskrit
- Study of the history of Chinese Buddhism, in particular, the history of Chinese contemporary Buddhism
- Study of Humanistic Buddhism and the theories and practices of Humanistic Buddhism as advocated by Venerable Master Hsing Yun
- Study of Chinese folk religion and culture
Academic Publications
- 《星雲大師人間佛教思想研究》. Taiwan: Fo Guang Cultural Enterprise, February 2015.
- Revised Ph.D. dissertation.《歐陽竟無佛學思想研究》. Taiwan: 台灣新文豐出版公司, January 2000.
- Original Ph.D. dissertation.《抉擇於真偽之間――歐陽竟無佛學思想探微》. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, September 2000.
- 《知命與樂天――中國人的命運觀》. Kunming: Yunnan People’s Publishing House, September 1999.
- Zhou, Shujia. 《清代佛教史料輯稿》, eds. Su Jinren and Cheng Gongrang. Taiwan: 台灣新文豐出版公司, October 2000.
- Modern Chinese translation of the Diamond Sutra《金剛經》. Taiwan: Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture & Education, 1996.
- Modern Chinese translation of《解深密經》. Taiwan: Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture & Education, 1998.
- 《華梵之間》. Beijing: China Social Science Press, 2007.
Editorial Works
- Executive Director of A Collection of Contemporary Buddhist Works: Chinese Buddhist Academic Series. Taiwan: Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture and Education, 2000–2002. 110 volumes in total.
- Chief Editor of 《天問》. vol. 1. Nanjing: Jiangsu People’s Publishing House, 2007.
- Chief Editor of 《天問》. vol. 2. Nanjing: Jiangsu People’s Publishing House, 2008.
- Chief Editor of 《天問》第三集(傳統文化與現代社會). vol. 3. Nanjing: Jiangsu People’s Publishing House, 2009.
- Chief Editor of 《天問》第四集(龍象之舞). vol. 4. Nanjing: Jiangsu People’s Publishing House, 2012.
- Chief Editor of 《星雲大師人間佛教理論實踐研究》. Taiwan: Fo Guang Cultural Enterprise, August 2013). 1 million words in total.
- Chief Editor of 《道在民間:中華民間宗教文化論壇》China International Culture Association, January 2014. 30,000 words in total.
With more than 15 years of academic exchange experience in Taiwan, Professor Cheng is familiar with Taiwanese culture while also having a precise grasp of the context of traditional Chinese culture and contemporary Buddhist development. Now devoted to Humanistic Buddhism as advocated by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, he has put these ideologies into practice based on the Venerable Master’s philosophy. Consequently, he has brought forth scholars, experts, researchers, and students of different generations to research Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Humanistic Buddhism. His published papers include: “The 2nd Chapter of Vimalakirtinirdeśa Sūtra and Humanism Buddhism,” “Taixu, Sheng Yen, Hsing Yun: Three Modern Chinese Buddhist Masters’ Explanation of the Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa,” and “Characteristics of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Thoughts of Humanistic Buddhism.”